THE Spiritual Warfare Part II

Colin Cumbee 0:00
I thank You, Lord, thank you for being the Lion and the Lamb. You are so powerful so mighty so great and so just but you are also so loving so kindness so merciful, Lord, I can’t even wrap my head around. I love you and I want to get to know you more. Please, Lord, help me focus on you. Help us all to focus on you. Let everything else just melt away in our life, Lord, help us to see things clearly. And when people are talking about stuff that’s not a view, it’s just clear in our minds, it’s apparent and we know what path we’re supposed to be on more because we’re too close to you and we’re listening to you. Thank you for these men here thank you that we have this time together to worship thank you that the church has opened this up Lord to further your kingdom helped us further your kingdom Lord help the message tonight. The words going forth fall on fertile soil. Please open men’s hearts even now Lord Spirit works like only you can please open our hearts Lord, help us to hear you. Thank you for my brothers thank you that we get to lock shields during these times. I love you Jesus your precious name Amen.

Unknown Speaker 1:26
Amen. What a sweet time of worship I fellas, let’s give a worship team at hand here. Thanks, guys. Yeah, it probably the most important worship team members right there in the back Sergio and Timothy on video and sound. Thank you, fellas. I was just excellent, excellent time. Well, I love being here with you guys. This is a really cool space that the Lord is made for us to get together in this is through his eyes Thursdays and we gather together on the third Thursday of every month for any of us a challenge to remember that. I’m like what? Third Thursday again? already? You’re kidding. Yeah, there’s at least one of you who will remain unnamed who I was just calling to check in on driving over here is like, oh my gosh, that’s tonight. Do I gotta go? I’ll see you there. Yeah, it’s a little bit tricky. But But thanks, guys. It’s great to see you all and just trust that Jesus has some good things for us tonight. For those of you who were here last time, we’re doing a series on Spiritual Warfare. And this is a subject that’s that’s near and dear to me. It doesn’t matter this near and dear to me. What matters is that it is a primary theme in the Bible. And it’s really important. As followers of Christ, we understand what the Bible has to say about it and we know how to apply it to our lives. So Father, we pray that as we look into your word that you would that you would just speak to us. We ask that we would be equipped for every good work that you’ve created us for works that you created in advance that have specificity father, you said that we are your workmanship created to do these works and father tonight Lord, we just open our hands we open our hearts we open our heads Lord, we pray that you would tool us up that you would equip us that you would make us better more efficient, more impactful ministers of the gospel In Jesus mighty name a min so when we say spiritual warfare, all kinds of things come to mind. Right? How many of you when you hear spiritual warfare do you think of like the exorcist and spinning heads and vomit going? 360? Like, like when we’re sprinklers? TGG? Yes, most spiritual warfare is completely not that way. is completely not some of it is. Now I’ve actually seen some of it that is that way. I’ll tell you a little story. Because I shared with you guys last time before I came to the Lord, I was I was very lost and very spiritually wide open and really, really looking for answers and really hating on Jesus and hating on Christians, I was looking everywhere else and in the process, got into some alternative spiritualities and, and started really pursuing, you know, alliances with sort of allies in nature and ended up getting getting demonized. And so when I came to the Lord, all of this stuff that I thought was was good and nice and natural, ended up being really, really evil. And it really had a hold on me. And so I had to go through a process of deliverance, where I got set free. And so this really opened my eyes to you know, the true nature of reality and the fact that there is a spiritual layer that we don’t often see, but there’s a powerful, powerful light that shines in the darkness and that is Jesus Christ. And he is indomitable, and he is absolutely one he’s completely victorious. And we’re talking about spiritual warfare. We always have to keep that in mind that Jesus is the winner and we’re never here to glorify the works of the devil. We’re focused on him. We’re gonna focus on Jesus and love on him like we just spent the last 30 minutes doing together. But God also doesn’t want us to be unaware of the devil schemes. He tells us in His Word, and so Because of my background, I had this experience of coming out of all that stuff. And when that I was at a party in college, and I was talking to a friend because well, I got saved. It was like a massive, massive change. I was singing leading rock band at the time and I had a house, we were not very good, really. We were, I think people drank enough, they thought we were good. And so we were sort of just surviving on those fumes, just a pure alcohol in the air.

Unknown Speaker 5:28
But so when I came to Jesus and stopped doing all that people, people notice a lot of people noticed. And I kept going to parties by go to parties, I wouldn’t drink and I wouldn’t get stoned or do any drugs or engage in any any nefarious activities. And I just talk to people about Jesus. And sometimes I’d be talking to a person and another person start listening and another person start listening another person start listening, and there would be a hush that would actually fall over the room. And I find myself preaching to 50 people who were completely hammered drunk five minutes ago. And now they’re all like sober, because the Holy Spirit’s working on him. And so those were really, really fun moments, you can’t make that happen. Right. And so I was I was in one of those settings one night, and afterwards and, and I talked a little bit about the devil and his power and how you’d had a hold on me and how Jesus set me free and, and this gal comes up to me after he says, You know, I really have to talk to you. I said, Okay, and so you’re on my brand new Christian, I did not grow up knowing the Bible. So there’s a lot of things that we’ll talk about tonight that I had no idea about, okay, I just knew my testimony. And I knew the power of Christ. But I didn’t know how that all worked. And I want us to walk out of here tonight, knowing a little bit better about how it all works, right? And so she says, Yeah, well, you know, I have to tell you, I’m, I’m a Christian, I was raised in a Christian family, but I’ve gotten in a really bad place. I’ve started seeing this guy, and he’s not a believer. And you know, we started sleeping together. And lately of, I can’t go to church, I get terrified when I try to walk in the door. Sometimes when I’m doing my homework, or taking notes, trying to write a paper, my hand will start just writing all by itself. And it’s writing blast and the stuff against God. And you know, Colin, there’s been a couple of nights actually, where I’ve woken up, and I feel like I’m pinned to my bed and the bed is actually bouncing up and down. I can hear it banging against the floor. I’m like, Oh, no. Oh, no, I have no idea how to deal with this, you know, but I didn’t know what to send, or I didn’t know what to do. And I knew what Jesus had done in my life. So I had another buddy who was there and he wasn’t a believer. He’s like, Oh, wide eyed. I’m like, hey, look, okay, we’re gonna pray. I’m tell you what. And I just had this instinct that I shouldn’t do it alone, which is a good instinct, Jesus said, the disciples out two by two, for a reason. And I do want to say that if you if you are engaging in in spiritual warfare, you know that you’re going to be doing the kinds of things that I’m talking about right now, which is the vast minority of spiritual warfare. Okay. But should you be called into such an engagement? And you may be and that may be why the Lord has you’re here tonight. Don’t do it alone. And that’s important. And so I decided that it would be holier If we met at a church, should there be more God at a church, of course, which, of course, isn’t true. But that was my thinking at the time. And so I Hey, why don’t we meet at the church? And you know, I asked my buddy, if he would come and he’s like, yeah, he was he was really afraid, because your story. And so we showed up, and fellas, I was I was terrified. I did not know what was going to happen. And, you know, I had had some experiences along the way where I know the power that demons can wield and the kinds of things that can happen. And so I was afraid I really was. But I also felt like Jesus absolutely wanted us to do this. And so we met and we sat down, we like read the Lord’s Prayer. And then we kind of prayed. And then I sort of prayed over her the way I had been prayed over, and we’ll talk about that some tonight. And I was waiting, I was just, I was waiting for the vomit and the head spinning and all that stuff. Nothing. Nothing happened. And I walked away going, I guess it didn’t work. It didn’t work, you know. And so and that’s the way it is most of the time, because the enemy likes to conceal his presence, because if he doesn’t, first of all, a real enemy requires a real God. You can’t have pure evil without there also being pure good. And so it’s sometimes it’s a little bit fun to notice in these horror movies, different horror movies, every now and then there’s one, you might have seen with the priest, where there’s a sort of Catholic preschool around slaying vampires and just kicking butt it was awesome. But, but wherever you have just manifest evil, it requires a good and usually they’ll twist and pervert it with like a really corrupt priest or something. But but God is still necessitated by pure evil. And so because of that the enemy keeps a very low profile in Western society. Okay, and it because if we see that he is real, we might go, Oh, my God, I have to do something about this. I need a Savior. I need help. I can’t live under this stuff. And so most of the time with this kind of sort of deliverance prayer. You don’t see anything. And so I walked away because I had seen some dramatic things along the way. I walked away going well, it just didn’t work. And that was my first foray into this area of ministry. And then I got a letter two months later. And because we didn’t have email back then we didn’t have cell phones back then. And I got I got a letter from this gal. And she said, you know, Colin, just wants you to know that I went back to college, and I broke up with my boyfriend, I knew it was wrong. I was really convicted, walked away from that, and I felt like I could breathe again. You know, after we prayed, and she said, I haven’t had a single incidents of the automatic handwriting. I haven’t had a single incidents of my bed bouncing up and down, and I’m walking with Jesus, I’m loving him again. And so she got really powerfully powerfully set free by somebody who completely didn’t know what he was doing. And lots of times the kingdom advances exactly that way. And if we know what we’re doing, how much more powerful is that? Right? Okay, so let’s let’s let’s look into this. We we talked about this quote last time, CS Lewis said this, there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race humans can fall about the about doubles. One is to disbelieve in their existence, the others to believe and feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. And sometimes spiritual warfare, people are like that. Sometimes intercessory people are like that. Anybody know any intercessors. I was like to say they’re kind of like the intestines of the Body of Christ. They do really crucial work, but you don’t want to see them, keep them in the back.

Colin Cumbee 11:33
But the devil wants us to either feel an excessive or unhealthy interest in them or not believing their existence, they themselves are equally pleased by both errors. That is, the demons are pleased by this. And hail a materialist, which is someone who believes is only what’s physical and can be described by science, or a magician, a hyper spiritual, wacko, as I like to say, with the same delight, then he will take it either way. So what we want to do is occupy, what I like to call the radical middle is actually really, really hard to find the middle ground and hold the middle ground, our society pushes towards extremes, it pushes towards poles, Jesus is usually found in the middle, you guys it’s in. It’s a tricky place to remain. And we don’t stay in the middle because it’s the middle, we stay where the truth is. But many times the truth does happen to be in the middle of two poles. So last time, we talked a lot about who Satan is where he came from, what demons are and how they operate. And we said that there’s three battlegrounds, right, so the first battleground anybody know the first one. inside of us right here, that’s the first battleground. The second battleground is interpersonal. It’s between us it’s in our relationships, it’s person to person where the enemy gets in and starts messing around. The final battleground is sort of in the air, it’s the atmosphere, the Bible calls this that Eros in the original languages. Next time we get together, we’ll wrap up this series and we’ll we’ll talk about the that third battleground. But for tonight, we’re going to revisit the first battleground a little bit, make sure that we got our bases covered there, because that’s where we do 90% of our spiritual warfare fellas, and then we’ll get into the second into the intrapersonal. So spiritual warfare is is rarely taught on and it’s actually a big deal biblically. And it should be a regular part of the Christian life. So what do we mean by that? How do we know this? Let’s look at the Lord’s Prayer from it. It’s this is Matthew 690 13. And I’m reading from the ESV. If you guys, you’re gonna see a slightly different version up there, but they’re very close. Okay, so forgive me for the disparity. The disciples asked Jesus, you know, teach us to pray. And then he says, Okay, well, when you pray, you pray like this. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. This is part of Jesus’s basic, rudimentary, standard fundamental teaching on prayer. Pray, God, deliver us from evil. Do you do that? You should do that. We should do this guys. I do do this. I don’t do it. Probably enough. But But if the Lord said it, there’s there’s a reason for it. And so asking him to lead us not into temptation to help us to handle temptation the way that he wants us to, and to deliver us from evil is a very big deal, that spiritual warfare. So spiritual warfare is first of all prayer. It is first of all prayer, this asking God to step in and help us with temptation as asking God to step in and break the plans of the evil one against us against our spouses, against our families, against our workplaces, against our nation. All of those things spiritual warfare is first of all that secondly, spirit Two warfare is confession, this confession to God and his confession to each other. For the confession to God, we can look at first John one, nine. And if you don’t have this verse memorized, it is a great one to memorize. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That’s, that’s my washing with soap right there, that that that kills the condemnation that will just get under our skin as we’re walking the earth because we’re going to make mistakes, we’re going to commit sins, we’re going to have issues. And if we deny those things, then we start, we start harboring them up, and we start hiding from God. But if we if we confess Him to God, He cleanses us from all unrighteousness in addition to forgiving us, that’s a pretty good deal. Right? Okay, so that’s a huge part of spiritual warfare. Here’s another part a part that I’ve learned a lot about. Is that my phone that would be so weird.

Unknown Speaker 16:05
I don’t think so. Could be holding on, come out. Jesus name that’s right. confessing our sins to one another is huge. And and I kind of understood this before. And I feel like I have a new level of understanding on this. Now. James 516 says, Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, why that you may be healed. Now it’s talking about physical healing in that context. But I want to tell you, fellas, there’s, there’s, there’s, there’s more to it than that. And it finishes with the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. So when we confess our sins to one another, and we pray for one another, there is a healing that takes place. And so I used to think that this was like praying for sins that we committed, oh, gosh, I kicked my dog, oh, gosh, I stole my neighbor’s newspaper, oh, gosh, I got a link that I clicked through on that I shouldn’t have. And we should confess those kinds of sins to God, and to a brother who’s a safe place. And fellows, this has to be a safe place. This has to be a place where we can confess our sins to one another, and know that our brother loves us. And we’re going to keep it in the strictest of confidence and bring it before the Lord together with you. And pray for us when we’re not together. But not talk about it, and not judge us and not look down on us. Because there is nothing that any one of us is incapable of. I can just tell you that right now. And it’s the grace of God that really keeps us and one of God’s mechanisms for distributing grace is fellowship, he distributes his grace through the relationships that we have right here in this room. And that we have outside of this room, it’s one of the main ways that he does it. And so confessing sins to one another is powerful, it can break them I can remember a time where I felt like this was you know, decades ago, where I felt like there was a certain neighbor that was really, you know, pursuing me and and sort of trying to seduce me. And I went to a Christian brother and just said, Hey, you know, I am there’s this gal and she is attractive. And I feel like she is just trying to get me and he was like, oh, man, let’s pray. And we did. And that thing evaporated, like it absolutely evaporated. He was really, really cool. There’s great power in that. What I want to say is that the sins that we confess to one another aren’t just the sins that we commit, but they’re the it’s the sinful thinking, even the wrong thinking, like, oh my gosh, I am so upset with my boss. I am so angry at my sister. I’m so angry at my wife. Oh, my dog has been so disobedient I’m ready to chop his tail off or whatever, whatever it may be. Even confessing those things having a safe place to vent guys. It just, it shines the light in dark places and stuff just evaporates. It’s just evaporates. So spiritual warfare is prayer. Spiritual Warfare is confession confession to God confession to one another. Third, spiritual warfare is actually resisting temptation, and not just temptation to do bad things. That’s where we always go. But it can also be temptation not to do good things. Gee, I Oh, gosh, man, Colin just called me it’s five o’clock is to Third Thursday, I completely forgot. I’m really tired. I’ve had a hard day I think maybe I’ll just watch some TV and go to bed.

Unknown Speaker 19:17
Well, that’s not resisting, that’s capitulating. And, you know, I’m not saying that religious duty should always be engaged in no matter what, what should always be engaged into the things that God has called us to. And sometimes that is religious duty. We do duty out of just a sense of, of obligation rather than out of obedience. That takes no pleasure in this, but he does love acts of obedience. And we do have to resist the evil one, in order to in order to accomplish the things that he made us to accomplish. Okay, so let’s look at how Satan tempted Jesus when He walked the earth and let’s see how Jesus To handle this and when we look at the life of Christ in the gospels, we see that Satan is regularly opposing Jesus. So he gets tempted in the wilderness. And I’m going to read through Matthew four verses one through 11, which is kind of a long passage. Let’s see, okay, Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting 40 days and 40 nights, so he’s fasting. Alright, so that’s, that’s on the table as a method of spiritual warfare. After fasting 40 Days and nights, he was hungry, and the tempter came and said to him, it’s interesting that the devil is called the tempter. Here, why is he called the tempter. Because that’s one of his main jobs. That’s one of his main functions. So he has that title, he is the temperature, the temperature came and said to him, if you are the Son of God commanded these stones to become loaves of bread. But he answered, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. He is countering Satan’s temptation with the Word of God, which is important for us to see. And it’s important for us to be in the word regularly, it’s important for us to know it stored up in our hearts, when we face temptation, we can answer with it, because that’s what Jesus did. And he’s our model, right? Then the devil, took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if you’re the Son of God, throw yourself down for his written, He will command his angels concerning you. And I’ve been to Jerusalem, Brian just got back from Jerusalem, you’ve probably stood Brian in that spot. I’ve stood in at least what we believe is that spot, and it is high, it is a high place. And looking down. It’s amazing that that, that the enemy took Jesus to that place and and basically said, Hey, prove that you’re special to God, prove that he really loves you, tests his test his love. And Jesus again, counters with the Word of God, it is written, You shall not put the Lord your God to the test. And then again, the devil took them to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and said to him, all of these I will give to you if you will fall down and worship me. Because Satan wants worship, like we talked about last time, he wants to be worshipped above God. And if Jesus did this, it would have actually been God worshipping him. Right, it would have been the coup d’etat, it would have been everything that Satan was looking for. And Jesus says, beyond Satan, for it is written again with the Word of God, You shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only. And the devil left him hold, angels came and were ministering to him. Interesting thing about that passage, guys, when Satan says, Hey, Jesus, you know what, all you got to do is fall down and worship me, sing a few worship tunes, you know, grab a ukulele, and I’ll give you all of these kingdoms, all of the world is mine to give you and Jesus doesn’t go to your lying, you can’t get those to me, they don’t belong to you. Why? They do, they do belong to Him. He is the God of this world. And as such, he is active in this world. And we have a very significant foe, and we need to be aware of who he is and what his tactics are, and how we resist. And so Jesus just modeled so many things for us there. We resist with the Word of God, we resist with prayer, we resist with fasting, and we resistance, not giving in when we do that, eventually, the devil must flee James four, seven says this, submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. And it doesn’t say how long. It doesn’t say how long, it doesn’t say, you know, resist the devil for five minutes, resist that temptation to click through on that link for five minutes, the devil will flee from you. It doesn’t say that. It just says to resist. And so oftentimes, we, when we think about spiritual warfare, we just want to think about victory, and forging ahead and powering ahead, and this incredible advance of God in His purposes. And so many times, it doesn’t look like that. It looks like this.

Unknown Speaker 24:05
Where you are holding, holding the ground, and it may take everything you have. But there’s a promise here. If you’ll stand, if you hold that ground, he will flee. He can’t not flee. And so that’s a huge piece for us. And we see we see Jesus doing that. And that’s something that that we must set ourselves to do. And we can’t do that on our own strength, we will fail. But when we’re when we’re praying, we’re in the word we’re calling on the Lord and asking him for his strength, who gives us strength to stand? And that kind of resistance always triumphs over the evil ones. That makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. So if Jesus had opposition when he walked the earth, as he continues his ministry through us, do you think we while opposition? Yes, do you think we will have physical temptation, where we have temptation to doubt God’s character and his love? For us, we have temptation to take shortcuts to do the right thing, the wrong way to compromise, to use the world to gain the world. All those things you just got thrown to Jesus are being thrown at you are being thrown at me. And God hasn’t left us on equipped and powerless to deal with that. So God’s word, prayer, fasting, resisting, confession, fellowship, spiritual warfare, essence of our spiritual warfare. And if Jesus was tempted to sin, you know, the Bible says that He was tempted in every way, not just for men, I want you to just catalogue through through your list of temptations. That that’s that’s a dark, nasty Rolodex. It’s got some some nice lighter cards on it. But it’s got some really slimy, ugly ones that we just absolutely wish weren’t there. Jesus went through that. He was tempted in every way yet he never said and where we’ve failed, he is successful. And he gives us that success. Because he loves us. And because we put our trust in Him. And He allows us to overcome through that. So let’s look at how temptation works. The original sin, when Adam and Eve sinned, and tasted the fruit of the tree, the knowledge of good and evil. What did they do when God showed up? Do you remember? The HID? What do you tend to want to do when you said, hide? Satan likes us to commit sin. They live in sin, not because it makes God run from us. It makes us run from God. And when we’re running from God, we can’t fulfill His purposes for our lives. We’re not an intimate relationship with him. We’re not being empowered by His Spirit to make an impact on the world around us in advancing the kingdom. We’re hiding. And so that’s a powerful tool that Satan uses. But God has given us more powerful tools not to go there. James 112 15 says, Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, because sometimes trials require steadfastness they go for a while blessing as the one who endures that when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him. What awesome promise. Hey, just resist, just stand fast. Just stand firm. There’s going to be joy on the backside, there’s going to be victory on the backside. How does temptation work? Well, Let no one say when he is tempted on being tempted by God, God never tempts us from God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire, then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin. And sin when it is fully grown, brings forth death. So God never tempts us, it’s our own desires to do. And notice that desire, once it’s engaged in temptation, it leads to sin. So the temptation comes, you feel the desire, and you engage the desire, and all of a sudden, through an act of your will, you are now walking into that thing, and sin is born. And when sin grows for a while, it brings forth something else, death. And this is true for the non Christian, and it is true for the Christian and follows I don’t know about you, but I know I’ve tasted some seasons of death, and they ain’t fun. And that is not a place that I want to live as a zip code I absolutely want to avoid. So I’m gonna do it with a word, prayer, fasting, confession, fellowship, resisting the evil one. And as we do, we’ll receive that crown of life that the Lord has promised to us.

Unknown Speaker 28:57
So believers will be tempted, but God is always faithful for First Corinthians 10 1214. We looked at this last time, No temptation has overtaken you that’s not common to man, God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. But with that temptation, he will also provide a way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. So you’re saying you’re saying, Lord, that there is no sin that should be able to take me down there is there is no temptation that necessarily will cause me to stumble? Nope. There is no room we can get trapped in that God hasn’t built an exit door into but he won’t make us go out of it. And sometimes we have to spend a little bit of time in that room, get our teeth kicked in, and feel some of that fire and some of that pain to next time we get in that room go Oh, exiting Stage Right, right here. So God always makes that available for us in our primary battleground when we think about our personal walk with the Lord is in our mind. And we are to take every thought captive. It says in Second Corinthians 10, four through five. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God. And we take every thought captive to obey Christ. It is all about our thought life, our primary battleground is in our mind. And so the Holy Spirit will enable us to take thoughts captive. Have you ever had just an obsessively negative thought that you couldn’t get rid of? It’s the very worst thing, right? Because no matter where you go, it is still with you. And it could be true, but it’s usually not true. And one thing that the Lord has kind of taught me along the way, is if I ever get into that place ravaged this obsessively negative thought, I’ll start going, you know, what, what if? What if I knew everything was going to be okay? What if I did? How would I feel? How would I act? Would I be justified in thinking that everything’s gonna be okay? Well, I can’t have hope in the future, because I know Who holds the future. And just asking myself that question, what if I knew everything was going to be okay? And beginning to settle into think about that reality and settle into it. And that will help break those cycles, and the Holy Spirit will will help cast those things down. But sometimes, the more you focus on on not doing a thing, the more you focus on that thing. You know what I mean? So instead, it’s really important to focus on the Word of God, to find a scripture that addresses whatever it is that we’re struggling with, and maybe ask yourself that question, what if I knew that everything was going to be okay? And finally, is we’re doing all of these things and this first battleground of personal warfare Ephesians 613 says this, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand firm. So there again, we see that resistance, okay. I’ve been in the word, okay. I’ve confessed to God, I’ve confessed to my buddy, okay, I’m in fellowship, I’m actually fasting. I’ve been fasting today. And I’ve really been praying, and I, I’ve done everything. I’ve done everything. But I still feel this, this warfare, still feel this pressure, I still feel this temptation, I still stand. After you’ve done everything standing Resist the devil and he will

Unknown Speaker 32:32
flee, he absolutely will. And so a lot of the essence of our warfare is just standing, doing all of those things, and then standing. If I had if I had a good eye, there’s a video clip out of a movie called 300 that I don’t recommend that you watch. But if you have happened to seen this movie, there’s a scene where there’s a Spartan, I think it’s called a phalanx. Is that the right word? Were these guys are all standing together, and each guy covers the guy next to him with his shield, and there’s this horrible Persian Horde is rushing down this, this valley and they are just going to crush the Spartans, and the head Spartan, you know, pulls out Spartans, and they they, and they all dropped down in this formation, each one’s covering the guy next to him with his shield, which is kind of a prophetic picture of how we should live gentlemen, if we’re just trying to cover ourselves, we’re not going to be able to do it. But But man, if I’m covering you, and you’re covering me, there’s power in that because wherever two or more agree on anything on earth, it will be done in heaven. The Lord said, he likes us doing things together. He absolutely does. But then this movie, so this Persian horde comes rushing down this valley, and they just crash into the Spartans. And it’s really cool because the camera pans down and it shows the Spartans feet, and their feet are in the sand, and you just watch them get pushed back, like maybe 10 yards. But then the pushback stops, and the guys like they fresh, their shields open, they thrust their spears into the enemy, then they they take out the first layer and then close the shields back up, and they move forward. And then they do it again. And they move forward. And it’s little by little by little, and eventually they absolutely route the enemy. But it starts with a big push back. And all they can do is resist and try to hold the ground, and they hold it. And then they move forward a little bit and a little bit more, a little bit more and eventually they’re completely victorious. It’s such a powerful picture of spiritual warfare, how it is for us in our own lives. Let’s let’s make sure that we’re clear on this fact Satan cannot just walk waltz into our lives and do whatever he wants whenever he wants to First John 518 and 19 says this, we know that everyone who’s been born of God does not keep on sinning. Okay, there’s an important thing here that we’re gonna have to circle back and really grab hold of but the piece I really want you to get is But he who was born of God, Jesus Christ protects him, the one who’s been born again, us that is, and the Evil One does not touch him. He doesn’t touch him. And so lots of times, you can get around Christians who have this victimhood mentality like, Oh, I’m sick, Satan is just kicking my teeth in and, oh, I’m having all this trouble at work. Oh, Satan is so busy, oh, Satan is doing all these things. Like, shut up, please, let’s not give him all of that credit. If we believe that he can just do whatever he wants whenever you know, whenever he wants to. Well, that’s a statement of faith. That’s permission. That’s saying, hey, take it take a swipe at me. But the word of God tells us this. He who was born of God protects us and the Evil One does not touch us. Now, I am not saying that we won’t have demonic opposition. I’m not saying that Satan does doesn’t push back against us. Okay, but I am saying he can’t just waltz in and out of our lives, doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. The men. In a victimhood mentality can open a door for that. People who are always doing spiritual warfare are always doing spiritual warfare. There’s a reason for this. Now notice at the beginning of that verse, we know that everyone who has been born of God us does not keep on sinning but he was born of God protects him, the evil one does not touch him. Well, what if we do keep on sending?

Unknown Speaker 36:28
We’re not.

Unknown Speaker 36:32
Possibly, possibly, or possibly what happens is the evil one does touch us. Because he found an open door, because he found an open window, because perhaps it’s a window or a door that we opened by continuing to sin. I do think that there is an implicit teaching in this passage that says habitual sin does create opportunity for the evil one to get very active in unbelievers life. Because that protection that we find from from dwelling in Christ, it gets perforated by the habitual sin. By that place of darkness that we kind of harbor we’re going to talk about this little bit more. Sin is simply darkness. It’s brokenness. Sin is the domain of darkness, it’s where evil can reside. Now, we’re gonna in just a minute, we’re gonna move into the second battleground a bit and talk about that. But I want to just ask the Holy Spirit to come and search our hearts. And, Lord, we ask that You would just just just take inventory with us, Lord, Father, we pray that if there are areas of of habitual sin, if there are areas where we’ve stopped resisting, Lord, if there are times if we’ve if we’ve stopped attending, to your word, and to prayer, and even to fasting, Lord, Father for something that we need to confess to you, if there’s something that’s making us hide from you word, your word to Adam and Eve plus, where are you? So first thing you said, not you’re gonna get it. You said, Where are you, because you love your sons and daughters. You love your voice. And you’re not here to condemn a Scott here to say this. So just want to encourage you follows if there’s a if there’s a place that’s been a struggle, that’s been hard. And maybe where you’ve accepted defeat. I want to encourage you to reject it right now. And I want you to confess that sin to your heavenly Father, and Father, we thank You for Your Word. And first John one nine, that when we confess our sins, you were faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness or we receive your forgiveness. Or we thank You for Your righteousness. Thank you that we are cleansed and free. And Father, if there’s any steps that any of us need to take to confess something to another brother, Lord, help us to be humble and diligent to do that. And God we pray that you would place in each one of us just a new zeal and a new passion for, for Your Word, and for prayer, and for even fasting for God. And for just just just abiding in you and linking arms with our brothers and resisting the evil one. We pray that we would see him flee 10 different ways, Lord, from your presence in our lives. And we thank you for Father in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. Okay, well, I think that that really He covers the whole first battleground very well, and you can see what time we’ve got here. Does anybody have any questions at this point?

Unknown Speaker 40:11
QUESTION But the best way to fast in spiritual warfare like as an offensive weapon, or defending against enemy like holding your ground.

Unknown Speaker 40:21
I’d like to say, first of all, I would, I would say, I’m fasting. Fasting is really a matter of personal conviction. And I’ll tell you what people do and then I’ll tell you why it’s acceptable. And then I’ll speak what the Bible says what I think what people will do is they’ll go, you know, I’m fasting me, I’m fasting licorice, I’m fasting asparagus, I ifs spinach, anytime with you, Brother, if you need if you need a partner and spinach fasting. And you know, whatever doesn’t come from faith is sin is what tells us enrollments. So what does come from faith is not sin. And so when we are really truly making a sacrifice before the Lord, some people fast screen time on their phones, fast television, there’s all kinds of different things you can fast. If it is a real sacrifice, God really does appreciate it. And I think he honors it. Absolutely. Now the Bible doesn’t call you know, passing on Spanish fast. The Daniel fast the Bible actually does not call a fast. It is a diet. Fasting in the Bible consists of not eating period. And sometimes it also consists of not drinking. Now you do a water fast water fasts are in tents. Yeah. And so if you if you’re doing fasting, if you have any health issues, talk with a doctor, make sure you’ve got that base covered. I do find that, you know, the Holy Spirit will rush in and begin to provision you with strength, and energy that is incredible. And for me that that happens with, you know, fasting of all foods, and maybe I’m fasting solid foods, but still drinking juice and water, if I really want to get there quick is just water only. And if you really wanted to just ride you confess water to but you don’t want to do that for more than a day. But then the cool thing about fasting is every time every time you experience a hunger pang, it reminds you, it reminds you, oh, I don’t live by bread alone. but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, oh, I don’t live by by food alone. I subsist on the presence Jesus’s body. Is my bread broken for me, Lord, I need you. God, I want you would you draw me closer to you, Lord, would you speak to me, and I usually find you, for me chase, and it’s different for everybody. But but for me, usually after the first day, the hunger kind of really will subside. And it’s really like in the second and third day, where I start feeling a much more closer relationship with Jesus, I feel like I hear his voice better. And also feel like he, I have a very keen perception of what’s happening in people’s hearts and minds as I’m dealing with them, whether it’s business or just, you know, personal relationship, whatever it is. So I love fasting. But I also don’t do it in a religious sort of way. If I feel like the Lord is calling me to fast, I’m going fast. So I would really encourage you guys to to try some fasting, but but I will see you like fast fasting lunch that this that son does is maybe that’s a baby step. But that’s like a really small facet. If it doesn’t cost you something, it’s probably not worth anything. You know what I mean? And if we really think that we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that comes to the mouth of the Lord, then we ought to be able to not live by bread alone, we ought to be able to pass it up. And then when you begin to feel the Holy Spirit lifting you and carrying you and giving you energy, and that doesn’t mean he makes you strong. But he does give you energy to persevere. So there’s a there’s a weakness in it. But there’s an incredible strength in it as well. That’s a great question. Chase. Did it. Was it helpful at all?

Unknown Speaker 44:11
Anybody else anything? Okay, all right. Let me see what let’s see what I want to do here. Maybe we’ll just keep going. And I want to make sure that we a little bit of time to pray together. So maybe we’ll go for another 10 minutes or so. And then we’ll we’ll take a little bit of time to pray. Okay, so as we begin to move into the second battleground intrapersonal where Satan in his minions show up in other people in our relationships, and really understand this area, we need to lay some more groundwork just like we had to do the first time. And let’s talk about Satan unbelievers. Ephesians two one through three says this. And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked before you knew the Lord following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air. Did you know that if you’re not following Christ, you are following the prince of the power of the air. Now most people who are following him don’t know they’re following him. Some, some do, I actually did towards the end. But they are, they belong to him following the prince, the power there, and the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience. This says that Satan and his minions his power, is at work in those who are apart from Christ, period. Now, I’m not happy about that I while I didn’t make it up, you guys didn’t make it up. That’s what the word tells us. It is just the plain fact of the matter. For those of you who, who didn’t get raised in a Christian home and can’t remember a time when you weren’t Christian, you can probably remember what it’s like and what it feels like to have the world in Satan. Knowing on you gnawing on your soul is not a good feeling, among whom we want to live in the passions of our flesh, because that’s what that’s what governs. So we’re not governed by the Spirit of God, carrying out the desires of the body in the mind. There it is engaging desire in temptation, engaging in sin, sin brings forth death, and we’re by nature, children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. You mean the rest of mankind are children of wrath? Yes. Did Jesus come to condemn the world? No. Why? Because they’re already condemned. You don’t need to, we already are. Or we already were, thank God. So before we belong to Christ, we actually belong to the evil one, even if we don’t know it, he is at work in the sons of disobedience. He just is Colossians 113 14 says this about us, He has delivered us from the domain, the kingdom of darkness, that’s where we were, and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, that forgiveness of sense, there is a kingdom of darkness, there is a domain of the devil, and it’s for those who don’t know Christ live, and they may not know it, but they do. And there is a radical difference between living in that place, and standing in the light and living in fellowship with Jesus and His people, is a radical, radical difference. Darkness is the domain of Satan and demons, they dwell in darkness. And when we come into the kingdom of God, by placing our faith in Jesus, we come out of their rulership, we come out of the ownership of the evil one. This means for someone to get freed from demons, they must be saved. They must be if they’re not saved, can they get set free from demons?

Unknown Speaker 47:41
tricky question. And so you know, as a brand new believer and having the background that I had, and seeing some of the amazing things that I saw really early on with God and setting people free. I thought I walked in on a relative of mine one night, who was an alcoholic, and she was on the couch in a drunken stupor and kind of snorting and she was kind of looking at me with these like really Baleful eyes, I went as a demon out as a demon, I’m gonna get rid of that thing. I’m gonna get it. And so I started trying to cast the demon out of my dear sweet relative. And my dear sweet relative did not react nicely. It did not go well. I was not able to cast that spirit out of her. And it definitely manifested and it definitely reacted. And it really, really scared me. And I thought this, how come I prayed for that one girl and like nothing happened, she got completely set free. And you’re I’m praying for my dear, sweet relative. And she’s like, cussing at me. And I can’t seem to get rid of the steak. Well, she belonged to him. Before she passed, I prayed with her on the phone and walked her through. She couldn’t talk anymore. They held the phone up to your ear, I was out here in California. And she was she was back in Alabama, and prayed with her and read her Psalm 23 and pray dissenters prayer and asked her if she wanted to give her life to Jesus, and she couldn’t talk or really move much. But um, my mom said, She’s crying. There’s tears streaming down her face. And so I have to believe fellas that she that she experienced that exodus from the domain of darkness in that entrance into the kingdom of light, right before she actually went to be with our word. And of course, I can’t know for sure we can never completely know for sure about, we can only know about ourselves, right? But I absolutely trust that that I’ll see her there again, and I’m looking forward to that. So we never want to, we never want to try to cast demons out of non Christian. I’ve done it on other occasions too. It’s always messy is very hard. You can’t keep them away because that person belongs to them and they will come back and they will come back even worse than some of you’re familiar with that teaching. So that’s not that’s not something that we ever really want to try to do. So what do you do? If someone comes to you and says Gosh, chase on my bed is bouncing up and down and I have no idea what the heck’s going on? I feel like Something is gnawing on my arm. So I had a I had a buddy it my last, my last pastoral engagement, come to me and go Colin, my daughter just moved home and she’s been through a really gnarly divorce. And you know, at night she’s being drugged to the bottom of a lake by a demon in her dreams. And it’s snowing on her arms and gnawing on her legs. And when she wakes up, it’s still going on, the knowing is still happening. And we’re doing everything we know to do. We’re reading the Word and we’re playing worship music and we can’t get rid of this thing. You know, would you come pray? Like, yeah, I’ll come pray. And so this was one of those two where I thought, okay, we might get some pyrotechnics here, we might get some manifestations, we might see some stuff. But the very first thing I’m doing is going, okay. Tell me about your relationship with Jesus. And if she’s telling you about it, I go, okay, she knows the Lord. She is safe. She’s trusting to Jesus for her salvation. So now I’ve got roomed to go after this thing, right. And so I start talking with her about about different areas that might be strongholds up into get ahead of myself here. Anyway, we ended up praying and I, we prayed through several different things. And I broke the demonic assignment against her just by speaking it out. I’ll, we’ll do this together, fellas. So you know how to do it. And she got completely set free. She didn’t manifests, there was no throwing up and spinning heads. And I walked away going up not sure. I don’t know, I don’t know what happened. Completely set free walking with Jesus today engaged in ministry, remarried Creek family is really, really, really cool. But Jesus, Jesus didn’t do that without someone to do it through. It’s like the gospel. It won’t preach itself. Sometimes God will spontaneously set people free. Sometimes it does happen. Usually, this kind of work happens with other believers, because it’s a primary way that God dispenses grace. You know, when I when I went through just a really dark season recently, where I was recovering from a very tough season in marriage and a subsequent divorce. I found the one of the primary delivery systems for Grace was you guys. influencers in particular, oh, my goodness, I am so thankful I can’t. I can’t tell you how grateful I am. God is so good. But but He uses us to do this. And so it’s important for us to have an idea of how to engage in that. Okay, so let me see what else we want to talk about here. Before we wrap things up here.

Unknown Speaker 52:45
Chemists tackle this one. This is a big theological questions, always, always, always comes up. And if we’re not very, very biblical, in our thinking here, we can actually adopt a sort of a systematic theological position of faith. That is actually unbiblical that can become stronghold, through which people can end up being demonized. And I know, it’s just a really big sentence. So let me let me let me try to unpack that. Here’s the question. Can a Christian have a demon problem? If we’ve been purchased by the blood of Christ, and Jesus owns us? Can we be possessed by a demon? And so the there’s an obvious answer to that? And the obvious answer is, no. We can’t. We can’t be possessed by a demon. You can’t. But let me just say there’s two things I want to say about possession. First of all, possession is a really, really, really, really high bar. me right now, would you say I’m in possession of myself? Are you in possession of yourself? Is anyone else making you do what you do? Are you completely making yourself do what you’re doing? No one can raise your arm. No one can make you say something, oh, he’s in possession. We’ll pray later, buddy. You we are in possession of ourselves. So possession means one 100% control not just thinking, not just, you know, feelings, but 100% bodily control, as if someone else is in that body. Can that happen to a Christian? No. It cannot happen to a Christian because they belong to Jesus. The body’s a temple, the Holy Spirit, how could he surrender that completely? To an evil spirit? But what if the inhabitant of that body surrenders partially to an evil spirit? What happens? Let me tell you this about the word possession. So the King James Bibles are first English translation, and the King James translators. We’re dealing with this word, this Greek word demands in my demands and demands in all my demand. is no mine. And they weren’t sure how to translate it. Because all it means is it just means has. So if someone and so a good way for us to translate that would be to say demonized and that’s the way you guys will always hear me talk about this person, you know, as demonized they, they they, they have a demon there is a demon, some way associated with them somehow affecting them. The Bible never uses the Greek word for possession. It doesn’t even use the Greek word for oppression, it just uses this this Demacia mind word, and it just means has a demon. And so the translators would would sort of impose possession or oppression on it. And so we have built all of these theologies of demonization, based on really faulty translation, I’m sorry, but it’s just the fact of the matter. You can look this up yourself. It’s really simple. And so when we start asking the question, you know, can a Christian be possessed by a demon? We’re actually not asking a biblical question. We’re not. So let’s, let’s see, let’s see what the Word says about this. Okay, Ephesians 426 to 27 Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Does that sound good? Yeah, of course. Okay, well, I’ll do that. And give no opportunity to the devil. Well, does that mean that if you let the sun go down on your anger, you might give opportunity to the devil? It sounds that way. That seems to be what what is saying. And if you look at that word, opportunity, you’ll find it as the Greek word Topo. Most and that word is the word that we get the term topology from, or topography. So topography, who knows what topography is? Yes, terrain mountains. So to give him no typos, no space on the map of our soul, don’t give him a little pocket of darkness to stand in. Because he can stand there. And when we continue on, and habitual sin, like we saw in first John 519. If we do continue on in that we can create a little shadow, or maybe a big shadow, a pocket of darkness, on the topography on the map of our soul, where the enemy can eventually eventually work his way through, and come to stand there and begin to make suggestions and begin to color things and begin to affect our perceptions. And he’s got a stronghold that he’s standing in. And that stronghold is is a sin. It’s a wrong belief. It’s a wrong feeling. It gives him a foothold. Ephesians is written to Christians, y’all. So what does this mean for us? Does this mean that whenever I sin, I’m inviting a demon into my life? Absolutely not. Does it mean that with habitual, repetitive, unrepentant, ongoing sin, I can invite a demon into my life and not even know it? Yeah, it sure does. And so when we experience a sin that is turbocharged something that we just can’t quite shake something, we’re we’re so ashamed that we we’ve stopped confessing it to God, we stopped confessing it to our brothers, and we’re hiding, we’re actually protecting that thing. But if we’ll bring it into the light, if you shine light on that little pocket of darkness that that demon is standing in, all of a sudden, he’s got no place to stand. And when he’s commanded to leave, he’s got to go. But if he’s got a place to stand, he’s got a legal right to be there, then he’s going to be there. And so we’ll talk through this more next time we get together fellows about, okay, well, how do we actually implement this as we’re, as we’re praying with one another? But for but for right now, I think what’s important for us to know is that, you know, First John 519 is true, he whose word of God does not continue in sin, and the one who was born of God protects him, and the Evil One does not touch him. But if you find yourself in a place where there’s just a turbocharged sin, it is possible that there is a demonic thing on it. And that doesn’t mean that your heads gonna spin around and that you’re gonna puke everywhere. But it does mean that you may need to pray with a brother, expose that thing, get some light on it on where it’s standing, and then it can be commanded to leave. And just like that girl that I prayed with, you know, so many decades ago, 30 years ago, whatever it was, um, got completely set free just like I got completely set free. You can get completely set free. Amen. Amen. All right, awesome, fellas. Okay before we pray any any more questions on any of this?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:10
Is every sin, spiritual?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:16
That is such a great question. I think every sin has spiritual ramifications. So yes, but a sin could be purely spiritual, like lust, you can commit the sin of lust and not do anything with your body, right? So that’s purely spiritual, it has spiritual ramifications. But there’s another sin theft that requires you doing something with your body. So that has a physical component to it. But it also has spiritual ramifications, right? So I’d say all sin is spiritual and some, some are physical.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:54
I guess I’m thinking more in terms of just when you’re as as a father and a husband, just those moments are just like, I shouldn’t do this for my family right now. And I just don’t want to I just want to sit here and wants to get to. It feels very innocuous. But it feels like from what you’re saying, it’s opening. Its opening me up.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:21
Well, maybe I’ll be careful about it, John, because it takes it takes some work to get to a place where you’re demonized.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:32
Yeah, and isn’t that going that far with it necessarily, but it’s not it’s a it is a tiny little gap in the arm?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:42
Sure. Could it could it lead to the you know, to the cardinal sin of slothfulness? Yeah, it could, you know, you you so so action we’ve habits. So a habit. Ripa character, right. So yeah, I think that is definitely true. So next time, guys. Well, we will talk about we’ll talk a little bit more about the nature of strongholds. And then we will we’ll focus on unforgiveness a bit more we’ll get into what I like to call the chain of authority how man surrendered his authority on earth how Satan carries it how Jesus took it, how he gives it back to us and how we wield it. And we will talk specifically about how to pray with people who may be having demon issues. Does that sound good? All right, cool. All right, well, why don’t we spend a few minutes guys let’s get why don’t we get into groups of three and just you know share anything that kind of stood out to you from from tonight? And can can we just commit right now to each other that what what happens here stays here and I’m not looking for any big like Soul rending you know confessions about anything that’s that’s not our goal here. Now if you have one and you want to make it great, you know go go for it you this is a safe place. But let’s just talk a little bit about about anything that sort of stood out to you and then let’s let’s just let’s just pray for one another day God would would would strengthen us and encourage us and and build us up and cause us to fulfill all of the things that He created us for that sounds good okay great let’s let’s just do that thanks guys

Unknown Speaker 1:03:23
on the map and workplace you overcome versus slogging out here. Do you have access guy? Crazy money for good.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:56
Alright, gentlemen, that’s enough fellowship and prayer. Stop it immediately. Now, it’s really really great hanging out with you guys. And really great praying together and great spending time in the world together. Looking forward to next time. Fellas, please bring bring somebody with you next time. God, God will move and God will do some cool things. But um, yeah, let’s let’s let’s start reaching out the buds and getting some more. Some more bodies in here. Why don’t we pray together guys. Jesus, thank you so much for your faithfulness. Lord, thank you for meeting us. Thank You that You are the wisdom and power of God. And thank you, Lord, that you do protect us from the evil one and that he cannot touch us. And furthermore, as we’re going to talk about next time, you give us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the evil one, and nothing shall hurt you is what it says in that passage in Luke 10. So we just love that Lord, we love you. We thank you for the authority you’ve given us or we pray that you really teach us about that next time. And we just commit ourselves to you Lord, let it go out and spread your kingdom let us be ambassadors of your kingdom and let us bring guys back in here together next time that you would touch them and change them and equip them and just have your way with our lives Father in Jesus mighty name, as P would say fellas, go give them having love you guys

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Thoughts from Pete’s Message May 6, 2022

It’s important to remember those who were examples of what it means to love unconditionally. The first of the Ten Commandments with a promise is, honor thy father and thy mother… the promise is that thy days may be long upon the earth that the Lord thy God giveth thee….

The love of God thinketh no evil… it keeps no records of wrongs done. When we remember the things our mothers taught us, the greatest of these is love…. to love with the unconditional love of God. Pete remembers that his mother was the youngest of eight children. She grew up in a well to do family. Her father was well respected in the Alabama town where they grew up. When the recession hit in the 1930’s her father gave away his fortune to help the destitute and down trodden in their community. She inherited her generous spirit from her father.

Her brother owned a car dealership in Florida and Pete spent time with his cousins there. He remembers these times fondly in an idyllic friendly small town with his loving extended family.

Pete’s mother was the spiritual leader in their home. She raised her children to go to church every Sunday. She had married a man who was a practical hard worker. Pete’s father had come from a broken home where there was no association with the local church. However, his mother made sure that Pete and his brother were raised in an environment influenced by God’s Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 31 says about a virtuous woman…. They shall rise up and call her blessed.

John Adams said, the barometer of the character of a nation is characterized by the modesty and virtue of a nation’s women. The fabric of a nature is bound together by the nation’s virtuous women.

Pete’s mother was faithful to her husband even though her husband had strayed. Her two heroes were her older brother and her older sister. They set a high bar for achievement and worldly success. She learned to emulate their high standards.

Pete’s mother loved her children and held them to a higher standard… the standard of the truth of the Word of God. She taught her sons grace and that love means “I want only the best for you.” She cared when they were hurt. Pete recalls that he was running the anchor leg of a relay at a track meet in Birmingham. His team mate was leading the race. As his team mate passed him the baton, their feet got entangled up and Pete tripped, fell, and skinned his knee. He got up and finished the race in last place. Pete was embarrassed until his mother intervened. After the race she went up to the team and yelled at the coach and his team mate for tripping her son and causing the team to loose the race.

Pete’s mother was a strict disciplinarian. Hebrews 12 says, whom the Lord loves, he chastises. Since Pete’s dad worked as a lineman for the power company traveling all over Alabama, his mother practically raised her two sons as a single mother. She trained them with the character of a Godly woman.

According to Deuteronomy 6, Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is one God. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Pete’s mother trained up her children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. She knew that the blessings of a generation will pass on to generations after. She taught her sons to look forward to marriage…. She said, if you have sex before marriage then what do you have to look forward to on your wedding day? The promise to his mother to abstain from sex before marriage kept Pete sexually pure until the day he married Suzan.

Pete knew that he was fortunate that his mother and father always attended his weekend ball games. Like other southern families, Pete’s mother hired a maid to help with the chores around the house. She always gave their maid a ride home and on Christmas, she would give her a generous check. She taught by example what it means to appreciate and give dignity and respect to those who serve us from a heart of love, even though they were of a different race.

A wise man once said, the best way to for a mother to love their
R children is to love, honor, and respect their father. Even though Pete’s father had many flaws including infidelity, she honored him and provided her children a stable home.

We learn love, gentleness, respect, forgiveness, and humility from our mothers. Even though Pete’s mother had a temper, her anger quickly passed. She never raised her voice to her children… she always treated her children lovingly even while reproving and correcting them.

Even though we may think that we did not live up to our mothers’ expectations, the scripture says, there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus…. God will fill in the gaps where our parents could not model the perfection we have in Christ.

Love covers a multitude of sins…. Love thinketh no evil… It never thinks evil of others and does not keep a record of wrongs done. Love is always eager to believe the best. Through the eyes of Christ we can remember the truth, honor, love, grace, and mercy that our mothers taught us….

That as we honor our mothers on Mothers Day and every day, we can live to the praise of the glory of the grace of our Lord,
Your brother in Christ,

Thoughts from Pete’s Message May 11, 2022

Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus said, Everyone who says Lord, Lord will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Many are called but few are chosen. Many say they believe but do not follow through with actions that agree with their vows. The scripture says, all men are liars…. We have all spoken words that we cannot keep. God alone is faithful to His word. According to Numbers 23:19, God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent. God alone is righteous. All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

The words of Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount are contrary to the world’s perception of “truth.” Following after Christ is not the difficult way…. It’s the impossible way when we rely on our own power. However as Paul said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

According to Hebrews 12:14, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. There is no peace with God without Jesus Christ, the prince of peace. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Without the righteousness of Christ, we cannot stand in the presence of God who is holy and righteous.

When you call a man, “man of God,” most men will look down. When you ask a man why he’ll say, “because I feel unworthy.” In our own flesh dwelleth no good thing. If we’re looking at the fallen nature we inherited from Adam, then we will be ashamed in the presence of God who is holy, just and pure. However, for us who have been born again of God’s seed, Jesus Christ who was without sin became the perfect sacrifice for sin on our behalf that we may be made the righteousness of God in Him.

Martha was distracted from the Word of the Lord. She was encumbered about with much serving. She complained to Jesus, I’m doing all the work, but my sister Mary isn’t helping me. Jesus said, Mary has chosen that good thing…. To sit at the feet of the master with a spirit of meekness to receive the Word of God.

According to Romans 8, no one can really say “Jesus is Lord,” except by the holly spirit. Without the spirit of God in Christ in us, we cannot confess that Jesus is Lord… that he is lord and owner of my life. To confess Jesus is Lord means to turn around… to repent from confessing that I’m the lord of my own life and to turn to Jesus, bowing down in meekness and humility to serve him from a heart of love.

Ezekiel said, They come and sit before me to hear my words but they do not do them. They hear your words, Lord, but do not practice them. When the judgement of the Lord comes upon them it will be too late, they will know that God’s righteous judgement has overtaken them.

Pete recalls that he was confused as a boy growing up in segregated Birmingham Alabama. He lived two miles from the race riot where the Birmingham police released the dogs to attack the blacks who were protesting segregation.

Once Arthur Blessitt came to speak at Pete’s traditional Southern Baptist church. Blessitt is known for carrying a cross across America and around the world. He attracted a large crowd of hippies to Pete’s church in Birmingham to hear him speak. Arthur said, They fill a stadium of 25,000 people a couple of miles form here to cheer for their favorite football team. We’re going ot lead a cheer for Jesus…. Give me a “J”. Give me an “E”…. When they finished the cheer for Jesus, the hippies cheered but the regular congregation was speechless. After the sermon, the board of deacons met and said to Arthur, never lead a cheer like that in our Church again. The next week Arthur said to the crowd, I’ve been told not to lead a cheer for Jesus in this church. Let’s go out on the steps and cheer for our Lord. He led the hippies outside and led the cheer again. That was the last time Arthur was invited to Pete’s church. That was also the last time that the Holy Spirit showed up in their conservative Baptist church.

When Jesus confronted the religious leaders of his day, he said, Well did Isaiah prophecy of you…. You draw nigh unto me with your mouth and appear to worship me me with your lips, but your heart is far from me. Ye are of your father the devil. He was a liar from the beginning and the father of lies and cannot speak truth. You are just like your father.

Jesus said to the multitude at the sermon on the mount, men worry about their material needs. He said, consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air…. they toil not, neither do they spin thread to make their clothes…. Yet Solomon in all of his royal splendor was not arrayed like one of these. If God so clothed the lilies of the field, will he not much more clothe you, oh ye of little faith? Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things…. Your material needs, will be added unto you.

The devil appears as an angel of light to distract God’s people from entering into the narrow gate that leads to the narrow way. His lies are the same lie that he told Eve…. God does not love you and his word is not true. If you disobey God, if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will be like God. Don’t worship God… worship yourself.

Luke 10:17-20 Jesus said, Even though you cast out demons in Jesus’ name… Even though you saw satan fall from heaven like lightning, do not rejoice because the demons are subject to you in my name. Instead, rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

The devil will condemn us for our failure to perform… for our missing the mark. However, God doesn’t want our performance… our works of our own self-righteousness. He doesn’t want our actions or our behavior…. He wants our heart. Therefore Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. For thy life is hid with Christ in God…

…. That together we may live to the praise of the glory of His grace!
Your brother in Christ,

Thoughts from Pete’s Message May 13, 2022

Whose Side?

Jesus wraps up his Sermon on he Mount in Matthew chapter 7. He taught the people not to judge others because God alone is the righteous judge. Then he warned them, beware of false prophets because they will ravage the flock of the church dressed like wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Jesus said, many will say, Lord, Lord did we not cast out demons and do many mighty miracles in your name? Jesus said, even though they thought they knew me, I will say unto them, depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you.

Many believe in God… that God exists. Even the demons believe and tremble. Jesus said, there are many false prophets…. They speak the lies of their father, the devil. They are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus said, even though they look like the sheep, you shall know the false prophets by their fruit. An evil tree produces rotten fruit. A good tree produces good fruit. He didn’t call us to judge others…. Instead he called us to inspect their fruit. An evil tree produces corrupt, rotten, and evil fruit of vanity and vain glory that leads to destruction. But a good tree produces the good fruit of the spirit. And the fruit of the spirt is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self control…. Against such there is no law.

An interviewer asked Pastor David Jeremiah, “Given the current condition of the United States, do you think God’s given up on America?” David answered, “I don’t think God’s given up on America… I think America has given up on God.” Jesus said, whosoever will may come. The open invitation is to “come unto me all ye who are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” God is no respector of persons, nations, or people groups… he is, however, a respector of His word. To come to the Lord is on his terms, not ours.

In the Civil War both the Union and the Confederate armies claimed that God was on their side. To settle this dispute, someone asked President Lincoln, “Is God on the side of the North or the South.” Lincoln paused and responded thoughtfully, The question is not, “Is God on my side?” The real question is, “Am I on God’s side.” If we find ourselves far from God, who moved?

When we, like the prodigal son, “come to ourselves,” then we can turn around, leave the pig pen of this world, and to return to our Father. When we realize that “in my flesh dwelleth no good thing,” when we come to the end of ourselves and realize we are “poor in spirt,” destitute, deprived and depraved, then we can do an about-face to return to the Lord.

The standard of the world requires that we fall in line motivated by fear of punishment and condemnation. Their standard for conformance is a works-based, fear-based and rules-based coercion system of behavior modification to squeeze us into the world’s mold. Their approval is based on performance. In the world’s system, good enough is never good enough. Everyone has failed to perform. The consequences of the sin nature we inherited from Adam is that the wages of sin is death.

A true Christian has confessed Jesus is Lord. In mourning over the sin that has separated their hearts from God’s heart, true believers turn from the god of self to serve the Lord Jesus Christ from a heart of love.

Many will say, didn’t we call you Lord? However, no one can really say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. His spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are sons of God. Unless we are born again of His Holy Spirit, we cannot approach our holy Heavenly Father. Only from the heart of Christ In us, having been born again of his spirit, can we approach our Father’s throne of grace to praise his holy name.

Pete recalls that Author Blessitt during the late 60’s was invited to preach the annual revival at his traditional Southern Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Blessitt was known for preaching to the hippies at the towns and cities where he stopped as he carried a cross through America. The first night of the revival Blessit said, there are thousands who come to the great stadiums to cheer for their favorite team. We’re on Jesus’ team so let’s cheer for Jesus… Give me a “J”, give me an “E”, ….

After the fired up sermon, there was a meeting of the Sanhedrin at Pete’s church. They said to Arthur, “How can you desecrate this church by leading a cheer like that? You’re not allowed to lead another cheer inside this church ever again.” The next sermon, Blessit said, I’ve been told not to lead a cheer for Jesus inside this church. Then he said, follow me outside the church. Then he lead another cheer, Give me a “J”. Give me an “E,” Give me an “S,” Give me a “U,” Give me an “S”. What’s that spell? The hippies shouted enthusiastically… “JESUS!!!”

After Blessitt’s second inspired sermon, there was another meeting of the Sanhedrin. That was the last time Blessitt spoke at Pete’s church. That was also the last time their head pastor attended that church because he had invited Blessitt to preach. In retrospect, It was also the last time the Holy Spirit filled the sanctuary. In essence Jesus had said to the congregation, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you.

Jesus said, examine yourselves to see where your allegiance lies, whose kingdom you serve. As Joshua said after he had led the Children of Israel into the Promised Land, “choose ye this day whom ye shall serve. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.” Romans 6 says Ye are slaves of whom ye obey. You are either servants of sin unto death or servants of righteousness through Christ unto life everlasting.

According to Ephesians 2:8-9, For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God… not of works lest any man should boast. For we are God’s workmanship…. His work of art, his magnum opus, his poetry in motion, created in Christ Jesus unto good works (works that are loving, beautiful, well pleasing and acceptable unto God) which he has prepared in advance that we should walk in them.

It’s not by works of righteousness but by his grace alone. We love him not because of who we are but because of who He is. God is love and in him is no darkness at all. He loved us before we could love him…. He was the prime mover for even when we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. We were called with a divine appointment not because of our own righteousness, but because of Christ’s righteousness…. For Jesus Christ who was without sin was made the perfect sacrifice for sin on our behalf that we may be made the righteousness of God in him.

Jesus Christ is a gentleman. He doesn’t break down the door to our hearts. Jesus said, behold I stand at the door and knock. Any man who opens the door and invites me in, I will enter into the house of his in-most being, and I shall eat with him and he with me. We will together share in the fellowship of the spirit of the living God.

…. That we may ever live to the praise of the glory of God’s grace.
Your brother in Christ,

Thoughts from Pete’s Message May 4, 2022

Good News, Bad News

The way of Jesus Christ is not the difficult path… it’s the impossible path. Apart from God’s spirit we cannot approach our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said in Matthew 7, if we judge others and point out their sins, we’re subject to a greater judgement from God himself. You cannot see to remove the speck in your brother’s eye until you yank the plank from your own eye. The plank is the two by four of judgementalism. If we think we’re superior in our own power, then we have the greater sin. Our righteousness is in Christ alone.

Then Jesus said, I am the narrow gate and the narrow way that leads to life eternal. The broad way of the world leads to sin, death, and destruction.

Jesus reminded the multitude about false prophets who come to destroy the flock. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They appear to be righteous, but they are actually ravenous wolves. Jesus asked, how can you recognize a false prophet? Then he said, you shall know them by their fruit. A bad tree produces poisonous rotten fruit but a good tree produces good fruit. He didn’t call us to be judges. Instead he called us to be fruit inspectors.

The false prophets stand by the entrance to the narrow gate to tempt those who would enter into the narrow gate. They say, don’t enter into the narrow gate. Instead you need to be “tolerant.” However, the broad way of the world tolerates the lies of the devil and leads to destruction.

Jesus warned the multitude about the false teachings of the Pharisees. They do everything to be seen of men. They are concerned about their own vanity and vain glory… Their drug of choice is the praise of men. They preach about their own made-up laws that are contrary to the word of God. They clean the outside of the cup, but inside of the cup is rottenness… Their rules are fear based and works based. No one can follow their impossible self-serving commands. They outwardly appear as righteous men. Jesus said, You Pharisees are like whitewashed sepulchers… graveyards that appear green, beautiful and carefully manicured on the outside. But inside you are full of dead men’s bones.

False prophets never tell about the judgement of sin… of missing the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. They are “unconscious hypocrites” that never examine whether a person has come to the cross of Christ on God’s terms. They deny the consequences of sin and iniquity… of the fallen nature we inherited from Adam’s fall. They distract the unwary from the truth of the spiritual battle. They speak flattering words that appeal to vanity, pride, and self-sufficiency. They say, you can make it on your own…. You deserve to be in the limelight, to be front and center…. You deserve the praise of men. Jesus said, They seem to draw nigh unto God with great flattering words of eloquence, they say seem to say the right things, but it’s for their own vain glory instead of to God’s glory.

False prophets lead God’s people astray, especially in the church. They look like the sheep on the outside but on the inside they are ravenous wolves. Their fruit will reveal their hearts. They outwardly appear to be Christian, but their heart is not conformed to the image of Christ. Some have even deceived themselves. Like the Pharisees, they teach that their performance and actions merit righteousness in their own power… in the vanity of their own minds. Only God can reveal the deception of false prophets. Without the Holy Spirit that convicts our own hearts when we sin, we cannot spot the sin in the lies of the deceiver and his false prophets.

To identify the counterfeit means that you know the characteristics of the genuine… the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Unless we know the Lord and his word, we cannot perceive the false teachings of false prophets. In Matthew 12 Jesus said, the tree is known by its fruit. The good man brings from his heart good fruit. The evil man brings from his heart evil fruit. A false prophet will be convicted by his own words and actions which are contrary to the word of truth.

False prophets say there is good news but they do not reveal the consequences of the bad news… that the wages of sin is death…. That there is a broad way of the world that leads to destruction.

The good news, the gospel of Christ confronts the law of sin and death. The point of repentance is when we humble our hearts under the mighty hand of God. Repentance starts with brokenness, meekness, and humility. Blessed are the poor in spirit who are broken and mourn over the sin that separates our heart from God’s heart. To enter into the narrow gate starts with understanding that “in my flesh dwelleth no good thing,” for there is none good but God. Then in meekness and humility I can turn from my selfish self, turn around in repentance and follow Christ.

The good news of life in the spirit of life in Christ is bad news for the “old man” of the flesh… the natural man born of Adam’s seed. To turn from the sin nature and the sin that separated us from God is to die to self to live for Christ. Therefore, The true disciple of Christ is an example of Galatians 2:20…. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me….

… That we may live to the praise of the glory of His grace!
Your brother in Christ,

Thoughts from Pete’s Message April 29, 2022

Narrow Minded

Jesus came to introduce the lost sheep of the house of Israel to a new kingdom. He said, my kingdom is not of this world. The people had witnessed his mighty miracles… he opened the eyes of the blind, healed the lepers, made lame men walk and the deaf to hear… he even raised the dead. The people marveled that he had power over the powers of darkness… over the oppression of the spirit world.

The crowds that followed him around said to Jesus, we want to make you our king. He said, that’s not why I’m here. They said, then, what’s your plan. Jesus pointed to some lowly Galilean fishermen and a hated tax collector. He said, those guys over there. They are the plan. God chooses the despised and foolish things… the poor, mournful, meek, hungry, thirsty, pure, peaceable, and persecuted disciples of Christ to confound the wisdom of this world. Those he has chosen he has called to be living epistles… God’s love letters written not with ink or engraved in tablets of stone… but written in the tables of the heart.

Jesus said that if you’ve been called as His disciples, his disciplined followers, then the world will hate you just like they hated me. The kingdom of this world is opposed to the kingdom of heaven. He said, blessed are they when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake, for great is your reward in heaven. However, as Paul said, greater is he that is in you, Christ in you the hope of glory, than he that is in the world.

The devil is the god of the world who has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of truth should shine unto them. He is the thief who attempts to enter into God’s sheepfold to steal, kill and destroy the sheep. However, Jesus Christ is the good shepherd. He himself is the door to the sheepfold. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

The devil says, don’t worship God… worship yourself. To follow Jesus Christ, God requires that we forsake the god of self in order to approach our Lord Jesus Christ, to turn from sin with a heart of meekness and humility and turn our eyes upon Jesus. To look full in his wonderful face. Then the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.

Jesus said, any man who wants to be my disciple must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. The cross means that I myst die to myself in order to be resurrected into the spirit of life in Christ. For I was crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me, and the life that I now live, I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Life is a series of choices. As Joshua said to the children of Israel after they had entered into the Promised Land: Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve, as for me, we shall serve the Lord.

Yogi Bera said, When you come to a fork in the road, pick it up. The fork in the road leads to either of two roads: a broad way and a narrow way. The broad way is the way of the world and the kingdoms of the world…. This is the path that leads to destruction. The narrow way is Jesus Christ. He said I am the narrow gate that leads to the narrow way that leads to life everlasting. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life… no man cometh unto the Father except by me. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

A wise man said, I don’t keep my vows, my vows keep me. When God called Abram and showed him the promise of the Promised Land… a land of abundance flowing with milk and honey, God said to Abram, We’re going to ratify a covenant …. To cut covenant. A vow is a promise. Usually a contract or a covenant is when one party makes a promise, an offer of value to another party. To accept the offer, the other party promises to pay for the value of the promise or to perform a valuable service in exchange. When the one who receives the offer accepts the offer, this exchange of promises becomes a legally binding agreement which is enforceable by law. If one party fails to perform the terms of the agreement, the courts can require the non-performing party to pay for the value of the performance of the other party.

Today’s contracts may be secured by a binding written agreements signed by both parties. In Abraham’s day, an exchange of promises was ratified by cutting sacrificial animals in two and then both parties would walk between the two halves of the sacrificed animals. When Abram arranged the sacrificial animals according to God’s instruction in Genesis 15, God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Abram. While he slept God reveled to Abram a vision of a burning lamp passing between the two haves of the sacrificial animals. This showed Abram that God accepted the terms of his promise on Abram’s behalf because Abram himself as a man could not keep his own promise. God knew that Abram could not keep his vow so God himself had to accept the promise on Abram’s behalf.

This covenant between God and Abram is an example what God would do for us through his son’s payment for our sins. Jesus Christ was God’s sacrificial lamb who shed his innocent blood for our guilty blood. For he who was without sin was made the perfect sacrifice for sin on our behalf that we may be made the righteousness of God in him.

Christians are accused of being narrow minded… of prescribing to a doctrine of exclusion. However, the world does not understand that true freedom is the freedom to walk to the straight and narrow path of God’s righteousness. Jesus said, many will say, didn’t we cast out devils and perform mighty works in your name? Jesus said, there’s power in the name… however, I will say unto you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you.

God doesn’t want your performance. The purpose of Christianity is not “behavior modification.” He doesn’t want your works, your actions, your good deeds, your money or your material abundance…. He wants your heart.

God made us an offer: He’s invited us into the narrow gate. Whosoever will may come. Accepting his offer of eternal life is on God’s terms, not ours. Accepting his offer is according to his unilateral terms that only God defines. What is acceptable unto God… what is well-pleasing in his sight? He does not require the sacrifice of bulls, goats, lambs and burnt offerings. How do we accept God’s offer? What is acceptable and well pleasing him his sight?

Acceptance of God’s offer of salvation means to turn from myself and toward Jesus Christ. It means to confess Jesus is Lord… to agree with God’s terms that Jesus Christ is Lord and I’m no longer lord of my own life. Then when we believe that God raised Jesus from the dead… in his power of the resurrection of His son, the scripture says, thou shalt be saved. Salvation is to be made whole, born again of God’s spirt.

Then when we love him above all, we can present our bodies a living sacrifice holy and wholly acceptable unto him which is our reasonable act of worship from a heart of love. The sacrifice is bringing a sacrifice of praise, acceptable and well pleasing, a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord…

That we may live to the praise of the glory of His grace, mercy, love and honor….
Your brother in Christ,